
For full functionality your computer should have the following:



Obviously if you're reading this you already have one, but why not take a look at some of the alternatives to Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Mozilla Firefox

Netscape 8.2 (beta)

Opera 7




Macromedia Flash Player (shockwave)

Many of the animations require that you have the shockwave flash player installed in your system.

MDL Chime plug-in

To make this site function correctly you must have the "Chime" plug in installed in your web browser. To get this plugin you must register with the MDL site (free registration) and they will send a password to access the download site to your email address. MDL Chime plug-in can be downloaded and installed from their home site. Information about operating the plug-in can be found here.

Mozilla Firefox users click here



Microsoft Word viewer

Microsoft Powerpoint viewer

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Note: due to the large size of some of these files the download may take several minutes




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