
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student’s report provides evidence of evaluation of the investigation methodology and has suggested improvements.

Mark Descriptor
0 The student's report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-2 • The report states generic methodological weaknesses or limitations.
• Realistic improvements to the investigation are stated.
3-4 • The report describes specific methodological weaknesses or limitations.
• Realistic improvements to the investigation that are relevant to the identified weaknesses or limitations, are described.
5-6 • The report explains the relative impact of specific methodological weaknesses or limitations.
• Realistic improvements to the investigation, that are relevant to the identified weaknesses or limitations, are explained.

Clarifications for evaluation

Generic is general to many methodologies and not specifically relevant to the methodology of the investigation being evaluated.

Methodological refers to the overall approach to the investigation of the research question as well as procedural steps.

Weaknesses could relate to issues regarding the control of variables, the precision of measurement or the variation in the data.

Limitations could refer to how the conclusion is limited in scope by the range of the data collected, the confines of the system or the applicability of assumptions made.