Colourful Solutions > Electron configurations > The hydrogen spectrum

Hydrogen has one of the simplest emission spectra as there is only one electron per atom that can absorb and re-emit energy.

Syllabus reference S1.3.2

Structure 1.3.2 - The line emission spectrum of hydrogen provides evidence for the existence of electrons in discrete energy levels, which converge at higher energies.

  • Describe the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom, including the relationships between the lines and energy transitions to the first, second and third energy levels.


  • The names of the different series in the hydrogen emission spectrum will not be assessed.

Tools and links

  • Inquiry 2 - In the study of emission spectra from gaseous elements and of light, what qualitative and quantitative data can be collected from instruments such as gas discharge tubes and prisms?
  • Nature of science, Structure 1.2 - How do emission spectra provide evidence for the existence of different elements?

The Hydrogen emission series

The hydrogen emission spectrum

The electron in the ground state energy level of the hydrogen atom receives energy in the form of heat or electricity and is promoted to a higher energy level.

It cannot remain at a higher level (excited state) for very long, and falls back to a lower level.

When the electron falls back down (relax) it must lose the energy difference between the two energy levels. This loss of energy is performed by releasing electromagnetic energy in the form of infrared, visible light or ultraviolet radiation.

Movement of electrons between the shells is called electron transitions.

The Balmer series

When electron transitions take place the energy emitted can be detected and its wavelength measured. This provides information about the relative energies of the shells.

In the hydrogen atom (the simplest case with only one electron to 'jump' between shells) the energy emitted appears in several series of lines, each series corresponding to electrons falling back to different levels. This is shown in the diagram below.

The Lyman series corresponds to transitions between the higher shells and the lowest shell (ground state). The energy of these transitions produces radiation in the ultra-violet region of the spectrum

The energy shells are usually given a letter 'n' to describe the specific energy level. The lowest level is n=1, the second level is n=2 etc.

Transitions from higher shells (n>2) to n=2 produce radiation in the visible region of the spectrum. It can be seen by splitting the light using a prism or diffraction grating and projecting it onto a screen.

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