Colourful Solutions > Models of bonding and structure > The metallic model

IB Chemistry Shop


Metals are amongst the most important materials in society for their useful properties. This chapter looks at the underlying structure of metals and how these properties arise.

Structure 2.3.1 - A metallic bond is the electrostatic attraction between a lattice of cations and delocalized electrons.

  • Explain the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and malleability of metals.


  • Relate characteristic properties of metals to their uses.

Tools and links

  • Tool 1, Inquiry 2, Structure 3.1 - What experimental data demonstrate the physical properties of metals, and trends in these properties, in the periodic table?
  • Reactivity 3.2 - What trends in reactivity of metals can be predicted from the periodic table?

Structure 2.3.2 - The strength of a metallic bond depends on the charge of the ions and the radius of the metal ion.

  • Explain trends in melting points of s and p block metals.


  • A simple treatment in terms of charge of cations and electron density is required.

Tools and links

  • Structure 2.4 - What are the features of metallic bonding that make it possible for metals to form alloys?

Structure 2.3.3 - Transition elements have delocalized d-electrons. (HL)

  • Explain the high melting point and electrical conductivity of transition elements.


  • Chemical properties of transition elements are covered in Reactivity 3.4.

Tools and links

  • Structure 3.1 - Why is the trend in melting points of metals across a period less evident across the d-block?