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Do you have a product or service that could be of interest to the present cohort of IB chemistry students and future doctors, pharmacists?
If so, then this could be the right platform on which to advertise
Below youll find all the specifications.
Website statistics
Over 21,000 monthly unique visitors to the home and syllabus page

Ranked no#1 and #2 for the search terms "IB chemistry" in:
Ranked no#1 for the search terms "IB chemistry" in:
Audience Profile
International science students 15-20 and chemistry teachers.
Advertising Options
Banners: We have the following sizes available:
- Top banner 468x60px
- Under top navigation banner 468x60px
- Skyscraper banner 120×600px
- Vertical banners 120 x 240px
Banners are not rotated with other advertisers so you get 100% of the impressions.
Review: If your product or service is relevant and useful to our audience it may be reviewed in our newsletter (3000 subscribers)
Sponsorship pricing
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form or via email:
for the latest offers and tariffs.