Chemistry 24 - Teach yourself series
Teach Yourself High School Chemistry Visually in 24 Hours

Teach Yourself Organic Chemistry Visually in 24 Hours

Teach Yourself Biochemistry Visually in 24 Hours

All the teach yourself series include
24 Core Concept Tutorials (Flash Movies)
Concept maps, easy introduction to the topic, concept illustration
with annotations and animations, sample problems exlained with step-wise
strategies and topic summary.
24 Problem-Solving Drills (Flash Games)
Feedback based Quizzes, concept-based problems, summary reviews
on all problems and scoring system to track performance.
24 Super Review Cheat Sheets (PDF Printables)
One cheat sheet per topic, key concepts in a single-sheet, at-a-glance
review of each topic and both printable and luminatable. Ideal for
exam prep quick review.
Exclusive membership access for 12 months
anytime from anywhere
Master Cheat Sheet The entire course's key concepts in six
Further information on all of these products is available here