Colourful Solutions > Practical Scheme of Work > E506 - Thermometric titration

IB Chemistry Shop

Standard level

Titration involves adding one reagent to another until the equivalence point, which is usually indicated chemically. However, there are other ways to identify this point, one of which is by measuring the energy change. This is called thermometric titration.


The law of conservation of energy. one consequece of the law is the extensive nature of energy, i.e the energy change in any process is directly proportional to the amount of matter involved.

As acid is added to base, or vice versa, the energy released causes the temperature of the mixture to increase. This continues with each addition until the equivalence point, after which the temperature decreases as cold reagent is added to the reaction mixture.

This type of titration needs the acid and base to be relatively strong, in terms of concentration, to ensure that the energy release is large enough to change the temperature.

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