Tool 1: Experimental techniques
Addressing safety of self, others and the environment
- Recognize and address relevant safety, ethical or environmental issues in an investigation.
Measuring variables - Understand how to accurately measure the following to an appropriate level of precision.
- Mass
- Volume
- Time
- Temperature
- Length
- pH of a solution
- Electric current
- Electric potential difference
Applying techniques - Show awareness of the purpose and practice of:
- preparing a standard solution
- carrying out dilutions
- drying to constant mass
- distillation and reflux
- paper or thin layer chromatography
- separation of mixtures
- calorimetry
- acid–base and redox titration
- electrochemical cells
- colorimetry or spectrophotometry
- physical and digital molecular modelling
- recrystallization
- melting point determination
Tool 2: Technology
Applying technology to collect data
- Use sensors
- Identify and extract data from databases
- Generate data from models and simulations
Applying technology to process data
- Use spreadsheets to manipulate data
- Represent data in a graphical form
- Use computer modelling
Tool 3: Mathematics
Applying general mathematics
- Use basic arithmetic and algebraic calculations to solve problems
- Carry out calculations involving decimals, fractions, percentages, ratios, reciprocals and exponents
- Carry out calculations involving logarithmic functions
- Carry out calculations involving exponential functions (additional higher level)
- Determine rates of change from tabulated data
- Calculate mean and range
- Use and interpret scientific notation (e.g. 3.5 × 106)
- Use approximation and estimation
- Appreciate when some effects can be ignored and why this is useful
- Compare and quote values to the nearest order of magnitude
- Understand direct and inverse proportionality, as well as positive and negative correlations between variables
- Calculate and interpret percentage change and percentage difference
- Calculate and interpret percentage error and percentage uncertainty
- Distinguish between continuous and discrete variables
Using units, symbols and numerical values
- Apply and use International System of Units (SI) prefixes and units
- Identify and use symbols stated in the guide and the data booklet
- Express quantities and uncertainties to an appropriate number of significant figures or decimal places
Processing uncertainties
- Understand the significance of uncertainties in raw and processed data
- Record uncertainties in measurements as a range (±) to an appropriate level of precision
- Propagate uncertainties in processed data, in calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and (HL only) exponents
- Express measurement and processed uncertainties—absolute, fractional (relative), percentage—to an appropriate number of significant figures or level of precision
- Apply the coefficient of determination (R2) to evaluate the fit of a trend line or curve
- Sketch graphs, with labelled but unscaled axes, to qualitatively describe trends
- Construct and interpret tables, charts and graphs for raw and processed data including bar charts, histograms, scatter graphs and line and curve graphs
- Plot linear and non-linear graphs showing the relationship between two variables with appropriate scales and axes
- Draw lines or curves of best fit
- Interpret features of graphs including gradient, changes in gradient, intercepts, maxima and minima, and areas
- Draw and interpret uncertainty bars
- Extrapolate and interpolate graphs
Inquiry 1: Exploring and designing
- Demonstrate independent thinking, initiative, and insight
- Consult a variety of sources
- Select sufficient and relevant sources of information
- Formulate research questions and hypotheses
- State and explain predictions using scientific understanding
- Demonstrate creativity in the designing, implementation and presentation of the investigation
- Develop investigations that involve hands-on laboratory experiments, databases, simulations, modelling
- Identify and justify the choice of dependent, independent and control variables
- Justify the range and quantity of measurements
- Design and explain a valid methodology
- Pilot methodologies
Controlling variables - Appreciate when and how to:
- calibrate measuring apparatus
- maintain constant environmental conditions of systems
- insulate against heat loss or gain
Inquiry 2: Collecting and processing data
Collecting data
- Identify and record relevant qualitative observations
- Collect and record sufficient relevant quantitative data
- Identify and address issues that arise during data collection
Processing data
- Carry out relevant and accurate data processing
Interpreting results
- Interpret qualitative and quantitative data
- Interpret diagrams, graphs and charts
- Identify, describe and explain patterns, trends and relationships
- Identify and justify the removal or inclusion of outliers in data (no mathematical processing is required)
- Assess accuracy, precision, reliability and validity
Inquiry 3: Concluding and evaluating
- Interpret processed data and analysis to draw and justify conclusions
- Compare the outcomes of an investigation to the accepted scientific context
- Relate the outcomes of an investigation to the stated research question or hypothesis
- Discuss the impact of uncertainties on the conclusions
- Evaluate hypotheses.
- Identify and discuss sources and impacts of random and systematic errors
- Evaluate the implications of methodological weaknesses, limitations and assumptions on conclusions
- Explain realistic and relevant improvements to an investigation
Practical Activities Units 1-5 (year 1)
Practical Activities Units 6-10 (year 2)