Colourful Solutions > Assessment in chemistry > Internal Assessment
Internal assessment (IA) requirements
The IA requirement is the same for biology, chemistry and physics. The IA, worth 20% of the final assessment, consists of one task—the scientific investigation. The scientific investigation is an open-ended task in which the student gathers and analyses data in order to answer their own formulated research question. The outcome of the scientific investigation will be assessed through the form of a written report. The maximum overall word count for the report is 3,000 words.
The following are not included in the word count.
The following details should be stated at the start of the report.
There is no requirement to include a cover page or a contents page.
Internal assessment (IA) grading
The performance in IA at both SL and HL is marked against common assessment criteria, with a total mark out of 24. Student work is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB. The four assessment criteria are as follows.